The staff and volunteers of Newport Public Library may terminate a user’s computer session, and restrict future access privileges, if library rules are not followed, or if malicious intent is suspected.
1. Before using computers, please ask the librarian on duty at the circulation desk.
2. There is a thirty minute limit on computer use if anyone is waiting to use that computer.
3. Use email from Web-based email accounts only.
4. History of the Websites you have seen is public information. Your Internet session will be ended if the sites you are viewing are deemed inappropriate to our community public library setting.
5. Any intent to disrupt, alter, or destroy programs or files on library computers will result in suspension of computer privileges.
6. Library staff are often available to assist you with computer use. Please ask for assistance.
Newport Public Library Internet Policy
The Internet provides the means to access information far beyond a library’s own collections. It is a gateway to information of great diversity in many cultures and around the world. There is no external monitoring of the Internet. While most of the information accessed can be valuable, a user may also find materials that are unreliable, outdated, personally offensive, or illegal under united States law.
Newport Public Library cannot police a global network. Each individual user must take responsibility for his or her own activities on the Internet, as well as for the activities of his or her children under the age of 18. Parents are advised to supervise their children’s Internet sessions.
Access to the Internet at Newport Public Library is provided within a public environment as an additional information resource. The same standards of intellectual freedom expressed in the Newport Public Library’s Collection Development Policy apply to the Library’s Internet access.
As with other materials, restriction of a child’s access to the Internet, and to any specific site on the Internet, is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, Newport Public Library can only be responsible for the information on pages bearing its name.
Users must comply with applicable laws, including United States copyright laws.
While Internet access is a privilege open to Newport Public Library users, each user must also accept the responsibility of obeying library rules and treating the equipment, software, and data with respect. The staff and volunteers of Newport Public Library may terminate a user’s Internet session at any time, if library rules are not heeded, or if malicious intent is suspected.
Newport Public Library reserves the right to change this policy without notice.
adopted 5/97
Internet Policy Amendment: The Newport Public Library expressly prohibits any use of library computers for illegal activities, or to access material that contains or makes reference to explicit sexual materials as defined in 18 Pa.C.S.5903, is obscene, contains child pornography, or is harmful to minors.
Adopted 12/99
For a printable version of these guidelines click here.