Toddler Tales: Ages 0-2
Newport Public Library 316 N 4th Street, Newport, PA, United StatesSept 19 - May 22 unlsess other wise noted
Sept 19 - May 22 unlsess other wise noted
Every Tuesday 10 am - 11 am From Sept 17 - May 20 unlsess other wise noted
Join us for our Homeschool hangout 2nd Wednesday of the month September - May 11:30am- 12:30pm Make friends, discuss books, and play games Feel free to bring lunch or a snack (We do ask that you leave the library as you found it. Please use lidded beverages and take your food waste with you)
Sept 19 - May 22 unlsess other wise noted
Every Tuesday 10 am - 11 am From Sept 17 - May 20 unlsess other wise noted
Our featured book for our February 19 meeting is The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. We will meet at the Newport Public Library at 10am. You do not have to have read the book to join the conversation.
Sept 19 - May 22 unlsess other wise noted
at the Library The 3rd Friday of each month from 6-7 pm Each night will tentatively start with a performance by a featured local artist, followed by open mic time for those wishing to share their love of all things musical. Poetry Readers and Storytellers are also welcome.
Build to your heart's content with our great selection of Lego bricks We have more than 10,000 bricks. All we need is the kids!
Every Tuesday 10 am - 11 am From Sept 17 - May 20 unlsess other wise noted