Perry County PA Public Libraries

Interlibrary Loan

Didn’t find the item you need in the PeCo Online Catalog?

Borrow that item through Interlibrary Loan:

Contact your local librarian* with as much of the following information as you have available on the item you want to borrow: title of item, author, publication date, format (book, book on CD, DVD, large print book, etc. ).

Partnerships with libraries in Dauphin and Cumberland counties make delivery of items from those locations to Perry County libraries a simple matter of requesting them from the library location where you would like to pick them up.

True interlibrary loan services through OCLC is supported by state funds provided through the Capital Area Library District.

Items will no longer come from out of state libraries.

Due to increased shipping costs, effective January 11, 2024, the Capital Area Library District member libraries, including Perry County libraries, will provide Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services using the Access Pennsylvania (Access PA) catalog to obtain the items you request.

*Contact the NPL using the form, by email, or by phone to:  (717) 567-6860