Add your event Please fill out this form so we can list your event on our calendar Your name*Your Email Address* Please choose a location* Bloomfield Public Library Community Library of Western Perry County Marysville-Rye Library Newport Public Library Meeting type* Library event Kids Families Teens Adults Community Event FUNdraisers Date of the event: Month and Date*e.g. March 17Day of the week*If this is a regularly scheduled meeting, please list that here(e.g., First Wednesday)Start and end time*e.g. 7-9 pmIs this meeting being held at your library?* yes no Name of the new locationAdress of this meetingSpeakerTopic TitleDescription of the event We recommend about 50 words about this eventAbout the speakerIs this a library sponsored event* yes no Is there a fee for this meeting* yes no What is the fee for this meeting?Registration Deadline MM slash DD slash YYYY Upload a picture of the speaker here:Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 512 MB.If you have any questions or comments about this form, please include them here.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.